Monday, March 12, 2012

Fun and Sun in Provo, Utah!

There's a new beach in town- Provo Beach Resort! Where else can one, or a couple on a first date, or a family looking to breakout of the normal weekend routine find excitement and fun under one roof? 
Bowling, Mini-bowling, Croquet, A Ropes course, Flowrider(indoor surfing), a Carousel, a Surf shop,a Spa and tons of games all within one building!
 Designed with much of a Santa Monica Pier-like theme in mind, Provo Beach resort not only features lots to do on a potentially boring weekend, or a way to stay out of the heat on a too-hot-to-play outside summer day, but it is also a walk-in portfolio of some of my best work to date.
This is a mural near the mini-croquet course. It depicts much larger-than-life fish, a sea turtle and various corals and undersea life. 

As a muralist with more than 20 years experience, I have painted many underwater scenes. And, among those scenes, lots of Sea Turtles. This huge (over 9 feet in lenth) turtle is by  far the coolest and most personable yet! :-)

I feel very fortunate to not only have been given the opportunity to create so much beautiful work to coincide with a great family fun spot, but I also developed many friendships with the mangement, the construction crew and some of the other trades from as far away as Canada and New York.
With only a few days before the Grand Opening, the management approached me about creating this mondo wave coming in toward the"surfers" currently riding the Flowrider. After being much intimidated by the prospect of such a vast painting(and on a stucco wall!) I dove into the task at hand.

Surf's Up!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Adventures in Dentistry

I am probably not alone when I share that I was never fond of the annual visits to the dentist when I was a kid. I remember my mom springing it on me upon walking in the door after school, "Get in the car. You've got a dentist appointment!"

 Now, as an adult and making my living creating environments that excite, relax, or are simply fun to look at I feel I owe it to those kids that dread the visit to the dentist to make it FUN...or, at the very least, pleasant!
 This is the new office of Reading Pediatric Dentistry in West Jordan, Utah. I am always excited to hear the details of a new prospective client, but this one just felt fun aright up my alley right from the start.
Dr, Tyler Reading asked for a Safari/Jugle-type theme for his  waiting room and leading into the treatment areas.
 Here is what we came up with. As his business grows, so will the graphic and visual appeal.