Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Relaxation and Inspiration in the Uintas.

This past weekend Allison and I camped and hiked in one of our favorite mountain ranges. The west end of the Uintah mountains are only about a 30 minute drive from Kamas. They offer a truly incredible array of high mountain vistas and what seems like hundreds of lakes- many just off the side of the road!

The beautiful starlit sky in the uinta mountains.

 As many may know, Allie and I are, for some unknown reason obsessed with finding Moose in our travels. 
a neighbor of ours, as well as several web sites state that the Christmas Meadows trail had many Deer and Moose along the trail- so regular that they're "almost tame."

 In summary, we saw no Moose. We did see beautiful and lush sub-alpine forests of Spruce and Aspen trees, huge rockslides and more dead fall than I have seen during any of my excursions in and around Utah.

Lots of deadfall.
Huge boulders in this rockslide must have made a
thunderous earthshake when it occurred.

This HUGE Mushroom looks like one from a fairytale.
Keeping the feet dry.

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