Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuscan Villa View

I've really been slacking with the posts, so... Here's a mural I completed in West Valley, Utah about a week ago. A very nice client, and a fun and familiar subject. With some direction from my patron, we transformed an ordinary stark white wall into an element that transformed her kitchen/dining area into the focal point for her style.
 She was considering going with a printed vinyl mural. I do realize that, with technology progressing the way that it is, printed vinyl products certainly have their place in the market. However, (somewhat biased, I know) there is nothing like an original, hand-painted work of art in one's home or place of business. Not to mention, the personalization of the scale, subject matter, colors, etc.
 Let me know what you think, feel....Billy

The full size "Tuscan Villa View" mural.

A close-up of the mural.

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