Thursday, August 26, 2010

When I'm not painting murals...

I have zillions of opportunities to CREATE ! When I am insprired to paint; perhaps not on location, or in a patron's home, I am more than content with a cup of joe, an audiobook playing on the pc, and a blank canvas or masonite panel in front of me. This Gemsbok is part of a series of African game wildlife I am working on. The surface is heavily textured with gesso, some drywall mud, primer and a trowel. In more recent years, I have a tendency to overwork every square in of the surface. Thes painting are intented to feel more rough, and possibly old or antique. So, after a session of paiting has dried, I'll add layers of a burnt umber glaze, and sometimes "rolling" some wrinkled plastic sheeting over the image to resemble a leathery finish. Here it is as it looks now. Close to completion.
"Gemsbok" (work in progress)- oil on panel

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